Blender dans l'industrie
NVIDIA, AMD, BMW, Intel, Ubisoft, Adobe, Meta, Volkswagen, Epic Games, ...
All these major companies financially support Blender!
This shows the interest that this software generates.
And we’re not just talking on a small scale, but across multiple major sectors ranging from video games and cinema to the automotive industry. Including web 3.0, architecture, science, medicine, and many others.
→ So many major sectors that use 3D.
→ Autant de grands secteurs dans lesquels vous
pourriez avoir une place grâce à vos compétences en 3D.

Blender in the Industry
All these major companies financially support Blender!
This shows the interest that this software generates.
And we’re not just talking on a small scale, but across multiple major sectors ranging from video games and cinema to the automotive industry. Including web 3.0, architecture, science, medicine, and many others.
→ So many major sectors that use 3D.
→ So many major sectors where you could find a place thanks to your 3D skills.
Learn Blender with me - 3 Offers
Grouped training
€ 179 .00
/ session- Blender Basics Training
- Creating a 3D Project (with Image Rendering)
- Remote → Video Conference
- 3h00 of training session
- ↓↓ See lower for more details ↓↓
Individual training
€ 169 .00
/ session- Training topics personalized
Based on adaptable modules - Exercises tailored to each learner
- Remote → Video Conference
- As many sessions as needed
Determined together
Based on your goals - Sessions last 1h30
- Flexible dates and times for sessions
- ↓↓ See lower for more details ↓↓
Discover my individual training
Tailored to your needs and skill level!
(There is also a group training presented below.)
Prendre Rendez-vous (choose the time slot that suits you)
Learning modules
Prendre Rendez-vous (choose the time slot that suits you)
Enrollment - Clear steps
Prendre Rendez-vous (choose the time slot that suits you)
Discover my group training
Sign up (choose the time slot that suits you)
YouTube presence
Tutos Blender
On the Tutos Blender channel, I share many tips and explain the various tools of the software — all in French.
There, you can get a sense of:
- my voice
- my way of speaking
- of explaining things
- of communicating
→ Join over 14K Subscribers.
Individual Training
→ Private training: only one learner
→ Personalized content: I teach you exactly what you need to know
(based on an analysis of your project/needs during the enrollment appointment)
→ Training spread over multiple sessions (flexibility on dates and times)
→ Duration of each session: 1h30
→ Cost: €169 per session (for example, an individual training of 5 sessions would be: 5 x 169 = €845)
Group Training
→ Training in a group of up to 4 participants.
If you are the only one registered, the session will still take place, and you will participate alone.
→ Content: Introduction to Blender. I present the software and we practice together by completing a small project.
→ This training takes place in a single session lasting 2 hours
→ Cost: €179 for the 3-hour session
Both training sessions are conducted remotely via video conferencing
I want to fully engage each learner in my classes!
While it is beneficial to have group lessons, having too many students is not ideal.
I want to be able to answer the questions of all participants!
4 people seem reasonable given the duration of the training and its content.
The enrollment appointment is set up to assess the goals and level of the learners in order to personalize the training.
Since the content of the group training is fixed (I can't personalize it for multiple learners at the same time),
You do not need to book an appointment to register!
However, if you still wish to have a first contact with me, it’s possible.
Just note that in this case, the €50 fee will not be refunded!
(Only enrollment in individual training results in the refund of the €50 appointment fee.)
Register for Group Training:
You can directly register for a session via the group training reservation calendar. If you proceed this way, after choosing the session you wish to attend, you will need to provide some information and pay for the training. You will then be registered.
→ Currently, my training courses are not eligible for financial aid.
For these aids to apply, I would have to follow strict rules and protocols, which require considerable time investment and paperwork. This includes managing accountability and obtaining specific certifications, which represents an administrative burden I cannot currently handle.
This allows me to focus entirely on the quality of the training and the personalized support I offer each learner. However, I am always looking for ways to improve my services, and I will keep you informed if the situation changes. Thank you for your understanding!
Modules are specific learning units that I use to structure my training courses.
Each module covers a topic and is designed to be completed in one or more sessions. It includes a theoretical part and, subsequently, a practical exercise.
This allows the training to be adapted to your needs and pace, focusing on the aspects you want to delve into. For example, a module can cover 3D modeling, lighting, animation, or rendering.
During the first appointment, we study your goals for this training together, and thanks to this, we can select the modules you need to achieve these goals.
This allows you to progress in an organized and targeted way.
Now: I use learning modules as a basis to structure the program for each training course. Of course, depending on the learner, I will adapt the content.
The courses are conducted via video conference, so you will need:
- A computer with an internet connection
- A microphone
- A webcam (not mandatory)
What Specifications Does My Computer Need?
I invite you to read the official page on this topic as the recommendations are updated by the developers themselves.
After the appointment, I send you a summary email of our discussion. This email is usually followed by another email containing the invoice for the training.
For the student discount to apply, you must provide me with proof of enrollment. I therefore ask you to send me this proof in response to the first summary email I sent you. After receiving your proof, I will update your invoice before sending you the second email.